Tuesday, 28 June 2011

B day

Today is a B day. The days are divided into A, B and C days, as well as additional special event and trip days. Yesterday was the first day of camp, with my girls arriving the day before. I taught two sessions today and two yesterday, each lasting 50 mins. As I am going on hikes and over-night camps I don't teach all the day, the rest of my time is prep time and planning time.
Last night was the welcome show, and all xtreme staff danced to two Justin Beiber songs - a lot of fun!! Tonight is funky hair night and then some games with our age group. Mine (agawans) are the second year of upper camp. They have a lot of priveledges, but not as many as the oldest girls (totems).
During rest hour today (the hottest part of the day) we had whole bunk photos taken. Send me and email (jenny baker 86 at gmail.com) and I will get you the password to log in online to see some of the photos taken whilst we have been here. I haven't seen them yet, but some are bound to have me in!