Tuesday, 14 June 2011

day 1

Sat at Heathrow waiting for gate to open and plane to depart. I will be on the plane, so I suppose I am sort of waiting for me to leave as well.
All is good, I checked in (with an over-size but thankfully not over-weight bag) and went through security with no problems. Now waiting, and drinking coffee, and waiting and drinking water and waiting.

I met others checking in who were flying to do Camp America (not what I'm doing) and they all seemed very friendly, so hopefully everyone I am with will be so too. I don't know how often I can update my blog, so will resort to writing it all down, and uploading it when possible.

Heathrow is fabulous - may i live here? It has Cath Kidston, Jo Malone and LK Bennett - apll my favourite people!!!

Remember that I love you all, you are jealous of me, but I am sillier of us both. Take care and goodnight and see you in August and please write to me. (Address on Camp Wicosuta website; MY NAME, Camp Wicosuta, 21 Wicosuta Drive, Hebron, NH - 03241)

PS Comments keep appearing and then disappearing so I've set it up that I can monitor them before they show on the screen in the hope that this keeps them permenantly.